Homoeopathic practice established by Julie Payne in 1998, based locally in Stratford-upon-Avon with a national client base.

“A natural and real alternative to conventional medicine, with your health well being and quality of life in mind”.

Homoeopathy is a well established form of medicine developed over 200 years ago by Dr. Samuel Hahnemann, who discovered that substances that create disease in large doses, can also cure the same symptoms when diluted. 


Why choose homoeopathy?

Homoeopathy is an entirely natural form of medicine made from minute amounts of substances such as plants or minerals which stimulates your own body’s natural ability to heal itself. More…

What to expect from an appointment

As a homoeopath it is my job to be inquisitive and find out about the clients health issues, lifestyle, diet, worries, concerns and temperament.

Pre Menstrual Tension (PMT)

Do not suffer in silence. P.M.T up to two weeks each month – what a nightmare!


Practice Hours: Monday – Friday, 9am-5pm

Other hours by mutual arrangement

Tel: (01789) 721 273


5 Secrets to help you conquer middle age spread…

Our health is usually in our own hands so why not take charge and take some simple steps to regain your old self?